
The key issues that need to be reviewed by Council when assessing a development application are outlined in Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Once your application is received by the Planning and Development Team, the application will be allocated to a Development Planner for assessment.  At this time, any internal referrals will be actioned any external referrals will be arranged by the NSW Planning Portal and if required, the application will be notified to adjoining landowners.  Some applications may also be required to be advertised in the local paper.

To review your external referrals on the portal, you will be required to register online. Once all referrals are received and the notification period has ended, if additional information is needed to fully assess your application you will receive a letter requesting this information. A site inspection will also be carried out to inform Council’s assessment.

Once all information has been received, the officer assessing the application will be able to make a recommendation.