
Once a recommendation is made, in most circumstances that application will be able to be determined by staff.  However, in some instances an application may be reported to the Elected Council for determination.  Where the application is required to be reported to Council, you will receive notice of the Council Meeting.  If submissions are received, those who made a submission will also be notified.  Should you wish to address Council on the night of the meeting, Public Access is available. 

The application may be determined by the Hunter and Central Coast Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) if it meets certain criteria as identified under Schedule 6 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Planning Systems) 2021. 

Once the application has been determined, a Notice of Determination and copy of the Stamped Approved Plans will be issued to the Applicant.  The Notice of Determination will also be made publicly available on Council’s website and will be uploaded to the NSW Planning Portal.  The Notice of Determination outlines the reasons for the determination and consideration of community views, the reasons for the imposing conditions, prescribed conditions and any other relevant conditions.