Provide feedback and report an issue

Is something damaged or broken?

Council provides a broad range of assets including roads, parks, playgrounds, water supply and public facilities. We strive to maintain these at the highest possible quality. If there is anything wrong with these assets, it's important we know as soon as possible. The following form allows you to quickly report an issue.

Report an issue

  • If it is an emergency please call 000
  • If it is urgent where public safety may be at risk, please phone us on T 02 6578 7290 (24 hours)
  • If this is a Water and Sewer issue, please phone us on T 02 6578 7290 (24 hours)

Provide feedback - compliments and complaints

Council strives to provide the highest quality customer experience. We value your feedback as it allows us to improve our services. Providing feedback - whether it's a compliment or complaint - helps us ensure we continually improve the way we work with the community.

Provide feedback