Information for Plumbers and Drainers

The information contained within this section relates to Plumbing and Drainage within the boundaries of Singleton with the exception of some areas of Branxton serviced by Hunter Water Corporation Sewer Rising Main.

For these areas, contact Plumbing Inspection and Assurance Service (PIAS) on 1300 889 099 between 8am and 2pm, Monday to Friday.  See Department of Fair Trading website for more information.

Documentation and Inspections

Plumbers and Drainers NSW Department of Fair Trading

NSW Fair Trading is the state's single plumbing and drainage regulator for all plumbing and drainage work and has delegated inspection and enforcement powers to Singleton Council within its area of operations. As part of the plumbing regulatory framework, Fair Trading licences plumbers and drainers under the Home Building Act 1989, and all plumbing and drainage work must be done by a person who holds a licence, qualified supervisor certificate or tradesperson certificate in the appropriate class.  Also, a system of on-site regulation makes sure that NSW plumbing and drainage work is monitored, so it complies with technical standards and regulations.

OSSM Easy Guide - for information

What does this mean for plumbers and drainers?

Plumbers and drainers must contact Council for enquiries and to book inspections, pay inspection fees and submit documentation for all works within the Singleton Council areas of operation with the exception of areas serviced by a Hunter Water Corporation Sewer Rising Main.

Documents and forms

Plumbers and drainers are required to submit the following documents at certain stages of the work:

  • Notice of Work needs to be submitted to the Regulator before the work begins
  • Certificate of Compliance needs to be submitted to the Regulator and a copy provided to the owner of the land or the owners agent

When must I book an inspection?

Inspections are generally required when:

  • internal and external drainage work is finished and before backfilling or covering the installation
  • a connection to a Network Utility Operator sewer main in finished and before backfilling
  • when there is a need for re-inspection or for an inspection of non-compliant work
  • at the completion of all the work, eg a Final Inspection

Codes and Standards

The Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) is the technical standard for all plumbing and drainage work in NSW. All plumbing and drainage work in NSW must comply with the PCA.  

The PCA replaced the more prescriptive NSW Code of Practice for Plumbing and Drainage and other local requirements and allows plumbers to work easily across different regions, without needing to know local variations. 

See Fair Trading's Plumbing Code Standards and notes page for more information.


Building/ Plumbing Inspections

  • Inspections will be carried out Monday to Friday only and must be received before 3.30 pm on the working day prior to the inspection being required.
  • Inspections will generally be carried out as AM or PM inspections. 
  • Inspections beyond property number 6798 Putty Road (Half way House) Garland Valley will be carried out on Tuesdays at some stage during the day nominated unless prior arrangements have been made with and confirmed by the Principal Certifier.
  • Inspections on other week days may be requested however will be subject to the availability of the Certifier. Councils staff will confirm the availability within 24 hours.
  • Inspections beyond property number 1719 Carrowbrook Road St Clair (Lake St Clair Camp Ground) will be carried out on Wednesdays at some stage during the day nominated unless prior arrangements have been made with and confirmed by the Principal Certifier.
  • Inspections on other week days may be requested however will be subject to the availability of the Certifier. Councils staff will confirm the availability within 24 hours.

Notice of Work

Plumbers and Drainers must submit a Notice of Work (NoW) to Council before starting most plumbing and drainage works.  Circumstances where it does not apply include: emergency work and 'minor works' like replacing tap ware and existing hot water systems, and bathroom renovations where the location of fixtures has not changed.

Payment of Inspection Fees for both sewer and septic applications is required at this time.

A NoW is an approved form that outlines the work and who is responsible.

Change of Licensee Details

Council must be advised if the onsite licensee changes.  

If a licensee takes over work, both licensees must make sure their NoW and CoC accurately describes the work they have done, or are about to do.  

The original licensee will need to arrange a final audit inspection to complete their work.  An updated NoW, Sewer Service Diagram (SSD) and CoC that accurately describes the work completed to date will need to be supplied.  

The new licensee must make sure the fee is paid and a NoW is submitted.

Sewer Service Diagram

All Sewer Service Diagrams (SSD), need to be submitted meeting the following specifications: 

  • A4 and A3 SSD Templates are available via the Fair Trading website
  • For all drawings larger than A3 only PDF & AutoCAD versions are accepted using the correct Fair Trading SSD legend and sign off template
  • All drawn and required text information on the diagram must be complete and legible in a fine point black pen
  • SSD must be drawn to a scale. Preferred scales are: 1:100; 1:200; 1:250;1:500
  • North point must be shown on the diagram
  • Include only symbols and abbreviations as shown on the template legend
  • All lettering and figures are to be drawn clear and legible
  • Diagrams are only to show sanitary drainage up to the point of connection within the property boundary, property boundaries and building outlines
  • Sanitary drainage layout must be shown up to the point of connection within the property boundary indicating all internal points, external drainage, trade waste and any greywater treatment / diversion system up to the point of connection with the Network Utility Operator’s sewer including any existing sanitary drainage remaining in use on the property
  • Street name and number (for street frontage) and/or Lot number and DP (deposited plan) number
  • Suburb and municipality
  • If there is no connection to a Network Utility Operator’s sewer all documentation must be labelled as private sewer, community title, onsite septic tank or AWTS etc.

The SSD is required to be submitted at the completion of drainage works either prior to or at the time of the final inspection. If for some reason a final inspection does not take place, then the SSD must be submitted to Council within seven (7) working days of the work being completed.

Final Inspection

All sanitary drainage work is subject to a Final Inspection and Council must be notified of the day the work will be complete and ready for inspection.

Licenced Plumbers can request an unattended Final Inspection and it is the Licenced Plumbers responsibility to make sure all requirements are met before booking the inspection.

The following documents are completed and submitted to Council at least two working days prior to booking the inspection:

  • Certificate of Compliance (CoC)
  • Sewer Service Diagram (SSD)
  • Any previous written directions have been rectified and re-inspected
  • Arrange for full access around the site on the booked date to enable Council to conduct the Final Inspection
  • Make sure that the property will not be occupied at the time the Final Inspection will be conducted

If the Final Inspection cannot be carried out, a written advice will be issued and another inspection will need to be booked and a re-inspection fee paid.  

Note: If the site does not have clear access or is occupied the Licenced Plumber will need to attend the Final Inspection.