Accessibility + Disability Standards

The Disability (Access to Premises - Buildings) Standards and accompanying changes to the National Construction Code (NCC) commenced on 1 May 2011. 

The Premises Standards apply to all buildings with the exception of Class 1a buildings, or to a Class 10 building if it is associated with a Class 1a or a Class 4 building.

The Premises Standards also differ from the Building Code of Australia (BCA) with respect to how each applies to Class 1b and Class 2 buildings.

The main requirements of the standards are:

For all affected development 

  • Development for which an application for a Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate is lodged needs to comply with the Premises Standards, unless an exception or concession under the Premises Standards applies.
  • Compliance with the access provisions in the BCA will be required (it is a statutory condition of Development Consent and of Complying Development Certificates that work be carried out in accordance with the BCA, as per clauses 98 and 136A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021)

Further information in relation to disability access requirements can be obtained from: