Singleton Traffic + Transportation Strategy

No longer on display. Expired on 14 July 2024, 11:59 PM

Singleton Council is preparing a Traffic + Transportation Strategy for the Singleton Local Government Area to address road and transportation infrastructure needs for current and planned urban release and growth areas.

To best inform recommendations in the Strategy for the immediate-term (2022-2025), short-term (2025-2035), medium-term (2035-2045) and long-term (2045-2065), Council is asking for your feedback on traffic and transport issues affecting you to understand what our priorities should be to improve safety, traffic flow and ease of movement across our Local Government Area.

Transportation includes all cars, commercial vehicles, buses, light rail transport, trains, taxis, aircraft, motorcycles, bicycles and walking.

Place a pin on our virtual map to tell us about your experiences related to:

  • Road condition—highlighting where you think the road or associated infrastructure needs attention
  • Public transport—to make a comment about existing public transport, or where you think it is required
  • Road capacity—highlighting any concerns around road congestion.
  • Speed limits—to advise if you think the speed limit should be changed on a section of road
  • Safety—to provide comments on any aspect of safety in relation to a section of road or an intersection
  • Freight—to make comment on freight transport such as trucks using a section of road.

You can also make a written submission addressed to the General Manager, PO Box 314 Singleton NSW 2330 or via email to

Feedback closes on Sunday 14 July 2024.

The information received will be incorporated into the Draft Singleton Traffic + Transportation Strategy, which will be placed on public exhibition for community feedback later this year.



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