Draft Civic Park Master Plan

No longer on display. Expired on 04 March 2024, 12:00 AM

The purpose of the master plan is to guide the future development of Civic Park. It will give council, key stakeholders and the community confidence in the direction of future use, allowing for investment by current and potential future stakeholders.

A plan for the future allows council and key stakeholders to develop plans for upgrade projects which can take advantage of future funding, including grant applications and development contributions. The master plan process brings together all current and future users (including the local community) to determine a way forward which best serves the local community.

The draft plan proposes six full-sized grass touch football fields, four warm-up/ training areas, one synthetic cricket wicket, replacement amenities building, spectator shelters, new pathways, off-leash dog exercise area and new tree planting to increase canopy cover and shade offering.


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Drop - In Session

Come come along to Civic Park on Wednesday 21 Februrary between 4-6pm to speak to Council staff to find out more about Council's plans for the park and how you can have your say on the future of this important piece of community infrastructure.

Artist Impressions

Amenities Building 

Civic Park Master Plan - Artist Impression 5.PNG

Civic Park Master Plan - Artist Impression 1.PNG

 Civic Park Master Plan - Artist Impression 2.PNG



Civic Park Master Plan - Artist Impression 3.PNG

Civic Park Master Plan - Artist Impression 4.PNG

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