Saving Water in the Yard and Garden

Did you know that outdoor water use accounts for 25 to 50% of the average Aussie homes water use. With the use of water-saving technologies and a bit of planning you can have attractive and productive gardens whilst being wise about water.

Watering your garden

Understanding when and how much to water your garden is important to reduce unnecessary water use and keeping your water accounts lower.

When to water

  • Water gardens in the early morning or late afternoon to reduce evaporation loss. As part of our Permanent Water Wise Rules watering before 10am and after 4pm is permitted.
  • Check the weather forecast. If there's is rain due, let the rain do the watering for you. 
  • Only water the plants root zone and avoid the foliage.
  • To check if your plants need water, put your finger into the soil. If it is moist below the surface, watering is not required. 

How much to water

Many plants are tougher than you think and can go for quite long periods without additional watering. The extent of irrigation required will depend on the amount of rain naturally falling in the area. 

A trick to check if your plants need water is to stick your finger into the soil and if the soil is moist below the surface, water is not needed. 

When watering your lawn, it is recommended to give the lawn a proper soak, less often to encourage deeper root growth and make it more tolerant to hot and dry periods. Grass is shallow rooted and only extends less then 25mm into the soil. Watering before the soil under the grass has dried out is not helping your lawn or your water bill. 

We recommend using a time controller and rainfall sensor on your watering system to reduce the amount of water used particularly for sprinkler systems. 

Tips for watering the garden

Permanent Water Saving Rules apply every day of the year however there are additional ways to save water in the garden:

  • Use greywater from your bath or shower to water your plants and garden. 
  • Collect rainwater in tanks or containers to be used on your outdoor and indoor plants. 
  • Use timers to ensure watering systems, sprinklers and hoses are turned off. A forgotten sprinkler can waste thousands of litres of water.
  • When purchasing watering systems, hoses and rainwater tanks. Look for the Smart Approval Watermark logo to ensure the product is water efficient, durable, fit for purpose and environmentally sustainable.


Planting tips for your garden

Having trouble finding the right plants for your garden? Smart Approved Water Mark provides an indicative list of water efficient plants to help your approach to sustainable gardening. Discover what plants are right for your climate, soil type and maintenance level with Plant Finder. Other planting tips for your garden include: 

  • Reduce your lawn size by planting ground covers or low maintenance perennials instead.
  • Choose plants carefully, there are many water wise plant varieties available which require less maintenance and watering. Use Australian native plants that can survive drought conditions in your garden, where possible.
  • Mulch is a great way to reduce evaporation, water run-off and soil movement. Good quality mulch will also provide nutrients and reduce weed growth.
  • Plan when planting new garden beds or positioning pots. Grouping plants with similar water needs together saves water and ensures healthier plants. 
  • Consider your soil type and amount of shade when selecting plants. Shade reduces moisture loss from the ground meaning less watering is required. 


Additional Information

  • When to Water - Discover when its best to water your vegetable garden, pot plants and ornamentals.
  • How Much to Water - Are you giving your garden, pot plants and lawn to much water?
  • Watering Methods - What methods are appropriate for your plans and garden.
  • Smart Water Advice - tips to save water in the garden.
  • Greywater - important information on how to use greywater from your home.

Rainwater tanks

Rainwater tanks not only save water and the environment but are easy to use and available in a range of styles to suit most homes.

Saving water with rainwater tanks

Rainwater tanks catch valuable water that would otherwise run down the stormwater drain. Some reasons for installing a rainwater tank include:

  • You can use rainwater to water your garden, top up your pool or wash your car as Permanent Water Wise Rules do not apply to the rainwater you catch. Please note that this does not include tanks that are topped-up from the town water mains.
  • Using rainwater will reduce your water bill. Connecting tanks to your outdoor taps, toilets or laundry can help save around 20% of drinking-quality water in the house.
  • Capturing rainwater in tanks reduces the load on stormwater systems as water runoff from the roof is not flushed into the drains. This helps reduce stormwater damage to creeks.
  • Using rainwater helps the environment by reducing the amount of water taken from natural waterways and also reduces the amount of energy used in treating and pumping mains water.

Installing and maintaining rainwater tanks

Installing a rainwater tank

When purchasing a rainwater tank, look for the Smart Approved WaterMark logo. This ensures the tank you are buying is water efficient, durable, fit for purpose and environmentally sustainable. When installing a rainwater tank, please contact Singleton Council's Planning Team to ensure the appropriate approval processes are followed.  

Maintaining a rainwater tank

Rainwater tanks whether they are plastic or steel require regular maintenance to ensure they are safe and in good working order. Some maintenance tips are: 

  • Maintain roofs and gutters – the cleaner your roof and gutter, the cleaner the water in your tank will be. Use gutter guards and screens to keep out sticks, leaves, vermin and bird droppings out of your tank.
  • Have your roof checked to ensure it is not made of or painted with toxic materials.
  • Check and clean pump and controller filters every 3-6 months, replace cartridge filters as per manufactures recommendations. 
  • If there is an issue with the pumping system, refer to the Operations Manual or contact a licensed plumber. 
  • Every few years, have your tanks professionally cleaned. Remember NEVER get inside a tank! 

Discover more information 

More information on how to choose, install and maintain your rainwater tank can be found here:



Watering systems

Different plants and garden areas have different watering needs. Each component of the garden requires different approaches to irrigation. The extent of irrigation required will depend on the amount of rain naturally falling in the area.

Types of watering systems

Drip irrigation

The most efficient way to water is to water roots, not leaves. Drip irrigation systems that deliver water at or below the ground surface are very efficient. Smart Approved WaterMark has certified a range of efficient, above and below soil irrigation systems. Drip irrigation delivers a controlled trickle of water directly to the roots of the plant and avoids wetting the foliage, helping to control some diseases. Weeds are not encouraged and evaporation of water from the soil is minimised. The slow rate of application means that no water is wasted through run off.

The simplest form of drip or trickle irrigation is the soaker hose, which requires no installation other than being connected to the tap or the end of a hose. Water seeps slowly through its porous surface all along its length. It must be moved about the garden for complete coverage and requires the same timing precautions as sprinklers to avoid over-watering.

More sophisticated, semi-permanent dripper or trickle systems typically use 13 mm diameter polytube as feeder lines into which drippers or emitters are inserted. The drippers may have either a fixed flow rate or may be adjustable according to the water requirements of individual plants. Drippers may also be connected to lengths of flexible 4 mm polytube which is in turn plugged into the feeder lines, enabling plants some distance from the line to be watered effectively.

Drip irrigation requires lower water pressures than sprinklers so a pressure regulator should be installed in the main line just after the filter. If a regulator is not fitted, the water pressure may cause drippers to blow out.



Filters and backflow valves

Both micro spray and dripper systems are vulnerable to clogging from water-borne debris. To avoid repeated blocking, an inline filter should be installed just after the main tap. Some local authorities require a backflow valve to be installed by a plumber before any irrigation system may be installed. This valve prevents water from the irrigation system flowing back into the household supply.


Moveable sprinklers

The simplest solution to watering the garden is a hand-held rose attached to the end of a hose. This may be all that is required for the watering needs of a small inner city garden with small beds and a few pot plants.

The next step is to a movable sprinkler attached to a hose and moved about the garden as required. Such sprinklers vary enormously in complexity and price from very simple sprays to complex mechanical ‘butterfly’ units with adjustable spray patterns. Sprinklers like this are easy to forget once switched on, so an inexpensive clockwork timer fitted between the tap and the hose is a worthwhile investment.

This is not an efficient solution for irrigation because there is a higher potential for wind spray and evaporation and for this reason it has been banned under water restrictions in parts of the country. The ideal rate of application is about 12 mm per hour. At higher rates some water will not be absorbed by the soil and will run off to be wasted.

To determine the flow rate of a sprinkler, check the level of water filling straight-sided containers such as cans placed at various points under the spray after 15 minutes.


To determine the flow rate of a sprinkler, check the level of water filling straight-sided containers such as cans placed at various points under the spray after 15 minutes.

Fixed sprinklers

Micro irrigation was developed in Israel to make the best use of a limited water supply in an arid climate, not unlike much of Australia. Miniature spray heads or jets are mounted onto rigid risers plugged into a network of black pvc irrigation tubing, known as polytube, as feeder lines, usually 13mm in diameter.

The spray heads are available in a variety of spray patterns and spreads enabling efficient, even coverage only to those areas of the garden requiring watering. Like moveable sprinklers this irrigation is prone to wind spray and high evaporation losses and is not permitted under water restrictions in some parts of Australia.


Various forms of time controllers can be used to turn watering systems on and off and these vary widely in their complexity and expense. The simplest type is a clockwork timer which is fitted between the tap and the hose line or irrigation system, allowing up to two hours of watering before switching off.

More complex computerised units allow several independent lines to be programmed to turn on and off independently. The units control low voltage electric solenoid valves which open and close each line, and the more sophisticated of these devices allow each line to be operated independently several times daily over a period of a week or more.

A rainfall sensor connected to the timer should be used to cancel the system in periods of high rainfall when additional watering would be unnecessarily wasteful. Regardless of the system it is important to only water in the early morning and at dusk when temperatures are lower and evaporation is less. A digital watering timer can also significantly reduce the amount of water used particularly for sprinkler systems where even a few minutes can use thousands of litres. Many irrigation systems come with controllers to help you do this.


Water wicking

A wicking bed is a garden bed with a waterproof lining which holds a reservoir of water at the base.

The water is drawn upwards through the soil via natural osmosis or ‘wicking’ through the damp soil below to the drier soil above to help maintain consistent and optimal growing conditions. Wicking beds can be found in all manner of containers and materials so long as it can be waterproofed and doesn’t corrode when in contact with damp soil. Water wicking offers many benefits in the use and management of water including significant reductions in water waste as none is lost to the evaporation effects of wind and sun which happens when beds are watered from above.

As the wicking bed ‘self-waters’ it’s a very popular low maintenance option for many growing situations as the improved water use efficiency means beds only need to be watered periodically by filling the reservoir rather than everyday as is usually the case with other irrigation methods.As the reduced watering process also improves the soil biology it results in healthier and happier plants and crop.

There are many different wicking bed designs to choose from and a little on-line research can provide a wealth of advice on the materials to use and how to build and maintain them. Check out the wicking products approved by Smart Approved WaterMark they have a unique re-cycled plastic cell which allows wicking beds of all manner of shape and size to be constructed easily and economically to ensure that precious water is used effectively, and your garden will flourish no matter how harsh the growing conditions.


Mulching and composting

Simple changes in the garden, such as mulching and composting can improve the efficiency of water use by reducing evaporation, improving water infiltration and storage in the soil.


Mulch is essential for creating healthy soil and maintaining a water efficient garden. It not only reduces the need for irrigation, but improves the health of your garden. Mulch helps to:

  • Reduce the need for irrigation as water evaporation from the soil is reduced up to 70%. 
  • Moderate soil temperature, keeping it cool in summer and warm in winter. This reduces water loss and stress on plants.
  • Reduce run off and soil movement.
  • Improves the soil quality and health of the plants, especially when using a nutrient rich composted mulch.
  • Suppresses weeds, meaning more time to enjoy your garden.

Mulching guide

How to Mulch

  1. Remove all weeds.
  2. Moisten the soil thoroughly.
  3. If water is running off the surface fork through some compost.
  4. Lay the mulch depending on the type you have selected.
  5. Leave a 4cm gap from the stems of your plants as mulching right up to the stems can cause fungal disease.
  6. Top up your organic mulch every year or more frequently if your mulch has broken down a lot.

Types of Mulch

Coarse Mulch

Pine bark, pebbles and even recycled concrete and bricks makes a long lasting mulch and is excellent for preventing weeds. It also is very good for keeping the soil cool, particularly if it is lightly coloured. This sort of mulch can be 5-7cm deep.

Medium Mulch

Wood chips are also excellent for reducing weeds. This sort of mulch is usually laid 2.5cm – 5cm deep.

Fine Mulch

Sawdust and euca can stop water getting into the soil, so don’t make it too thick - about 2.5cm deep. Don’t forget to top it up each year when the ground is starting to dry out.

Any mulch is better than no mulch, however your local nursery will be able to provide expert advice on Smart WaterMark mulch for your garden.


Healthy soil holds more nutrients and water and results in healthier plants. Improving your soil is the best way to save water and work in your lawn and garden. Compost is decomposed organic matter that increases the organic content of the soil.  It holds more water and provides the perfect environment good bacteria and worms need to breakdown and keep the soil alive and full of nutrients. 

Adding compost to your garden also:

  • Opens up the soil structure allowing water to infiltrate and drain.
  • Adds valuable nutrients meaning worms and other living organisms are able to keep your soil healthy.
  • Improves soil quality, plant growth and resilience to drought.

Tips to improve your soil

  • Know your soil; look for compaction or other soil problems you can fix.
  • Add compost; digging 2-3 inches of compost into the soil when planting new garden beds or lawns.
  • Top up compost every 2-3 years; spreading another 1 inch on garden beds or ½ inch on lawns.
  • Fertilize responsibly.

Compost can be easily made at home or you can check with your local nursery or landscape supplier for recycled green waste, mulches and compost.

Composting at home is an easy and a great way to recycle yard waste and kitchen scraps into fertile sweet-smelling soil. Compost helps grow healthy gardens, lawns, trees, and shrubs that need less water, pesticides and fertilizer, reduces water use and household waste.


Washing cars and other vehicles

When washing your boat, vehicle or motorbike, the water which can contain particles of oil, rubber, metals as well as any number of chemicals found in car cleaning products, travel down into the nearest storm water drain. Once there, it enters our waterways, ending up in rivers, lakes and possibly the ocean. An easy way to use water efficiently when washing your car is simply to lessen the frequency in which you are washing it. Some tips to help reduce water use while washing your vehicle are:

Tips for washing vehicles

Using an Australian Car Wash Association (ACWA) approved commercial car wash is an environmentally way to wash your vehicle. The accreditation, which is indicated by a five star Water Saving Rating, recognises car wash operators for their environmentally responsible business practices. The Smart Approved WaterMark also indicates that the car wash uses best practice in water management. If you do visit a car wash, select a low flow/high pressure wash and consider using a waterless car wash.

If an ACWA car wash is not available, here are some tips for washing your vehicle at home: 

  • Wash your vehicle in the shade. This will reduce water evaporation and the amount of water you will need to use to rinse off your car.
  • Wash vehicle on an absorbent surface such as grass or gravel. This means the runoff can be adsorbed and broken down by micro-organisms instead of going down the stormwater drain.
  • Use a microfiber cloth instead of regular rags as they are reuseable, non-abrasive and doesn't damage the paint.
  • Wash vehicles using a bucket instead of a hose to improve your water efficiency. If you do need to use a hose, make sure it has an adjustable nozzle to help control the water flow. 


Pools and spas

There is a large use of water consumption in the backyard, and it's called a swimming pool. The average swimming pool holds between 20,000 and 60,000 litres of water. Just because it can hold a lot of water, doesn’t mean it needs to waste a lot of water. 


Tips for swimming pools and spas

Here are some tips on how to save water with swimming pools and spas:

  • Use a Smart WaterMark approved pool cover or liquid pool barrier to reduce water evaporation, pool chemicals and salt. Covers also help reduce algae growth and prevents debris, leaves and yard litter from falling in the pool, saving time and energy cleaning the pool. 
  • Installing a shade sail or shade cloth will further reduce evaporation as well as protect swimmers from harsh sun rays.
  • Installing a rainwater tank is a great way to reduce the use of mains water in your swimming pool.
  • Monitor the temperature set for your pool. Turning the heat down in warmer months will save energy. 
  • Reduce the frequency of backwashing to save water and maintain the effectiveness of pool filters.
  • Use a timer on your pool pump so it can be programed to run at different times throughout the day and year. 
  • Additional information on how to save water with swimming pool can be found here.



Swimming pool leaks

Locating a leak in your Pool

Firstly, you will need to identify if the leak is coming from the pool plumbing or the pool structure. These simple steps can help you identify the location of a leak:

  1. Fill the pool to its normal level and mark it with a piece of duct tape.
  2. With your filter system running, wait 12 to 24 hours then check to see if the water level has dropped significantly.
  3. Refill the pool back to the original level of the duct tape and with the filter system off. Wait the same amount of time (also over the same part of the day, i.e. 8am-8pm) and measure the water loss again.
  4. If you are losing more water with the filter system running, the leak is on the pressure side of your plumbing somewhere PAST the impeller of the pump.
  5. If you are losing less water with the filter system not running, the leak is on the vacuum side of your plumbing somewhere before the impeller of the pump.
  6. If the water loss is the same, the leak is more likely in the structure of the pool, however plumbing leaks should not be ruled out.
  7. If a leak is detected soon after construction of the pool, the owner should contact the builder to investigate.

What to do about a leak?

When it comes to leaking pool pipes, it is recommended you always consult a licensed plumber or leak detection specialist.

Where leaks are past the impeller of the pump, a specialist leak detection contractor is generally required to identify the exact location of the problem. This may not necessarily be a plumber. Some plumbers have invested in the equipment required for this form of testing, while others call on leak detection specialists and then undertake any the work required.

Licensed plumbers should be consulted for any leaks identified before the impeller of the pump, and as a precaution even if it is suspected that the leak is in the pool structure.

It is important for pool owners to understand the regular water loss of their pool. Leaks are generally the cause of any irregular water loss but should not be mistaken for regular pool water loss (such as splashing, evaporation, etc.)