
Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Council has responsibility for identifying the area’s heritage assets and protecting them through environmental planning instruments.

Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) identifies items and places of heritage significance. It also identifies Heritage Conservation Areas that are areas of land that contain sites, streetscapes, built forms and subdivision patterns representative of important periods and events in local and regional history.

There are serious penalties for knowingly harming or destroying items or places identified as being of heritage significance by Council’s LEP. Anyone proposing to carry out an activity which may impact upon the heritage significance of an item, place or heritage conservation area must investigate, assess and report on the harm that may be caused by that activity.

For more information about Heritage of the Singleton Local Government Area, please refer to Council’s Local Environment PlanDevelopment Control Plan and Heritage Development Guidelines

Mount Thorley Warkworth Historic Heritage Conservation Fund 

Heritage is integral to understanding Singleton’s story – its history, its identity and its people. 

Applications are now open for Singleton Mount Thorley Warkworth Historic Heritage Conservation Fund, which is designed for owners or managers of local heritage items – from buildings, to parks and monuments, to special natural or cultural places, to apply for funding to enable major works, conduct urgent repairs or implement education programs and 21st century technology.

These grants recognise the importance of conserving local heritage assets, and celebrate the stories, places and values of our local community.

To determine if you are able to apply for funding to carry out heritage works please refer to the guideline below to see if you qualify. If you are able then please complete the application form below.

Application form and grant guidelines